Friday, October 2, 2009

Shift Keys and Phoning Home

I am about to embark on a keyboard search. I use the actual keys to create pieces of jewellery. They have been successful, and I need some extra keyboards to help out. I have my Mum on "keyboard patrol" and she is mentioning it to family and friends. In one day she found 8, yes 8 old keyboards from Op Shops and is posting the keys to me. I have a feeling though, this will not be the end of it..... I feel a barage of cimputer keys coming my way! YAY.
Luckily I won't be in dire need of any phone books soon, I have a feeling they are going to last a lot longer.
"Black Shift Bracelet" $25.oo Aus
"Phone Book Brooches" $10.00 Aus
Available at

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